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Diploma in Culinary Arts

About Diploma in Culinary Arts

The Diploma in Culinary Arts at ZADK Saudi Culinary Arts Academy is a comprehensive two-year programme for passionate culinary enthusiasts. It includes over 1500 hours of hands-on kitchen experience and two practical internships. Whether you’re new to cooking or improving your skills, this programme prepares you to succeed. Our curriculum combines traditional techniques with modern trends, ensuring you graduate as a versatile and creative chef ready to excel in both local and international culinary fields.

Title and Accreditation The Diploma in Culinary Arts is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) and recognized by Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland.
Duration 2 Year program consisting of 4 terms and two internships

Term 1

  • Fundamentals of Classical Cooking
  • Food Safety & Hygiene
  • Self-Marketing Skills
  • Technical English Language – 1
  • Culinary Science
  • Baking and Pastry Arts – 1

Term 2

  • Organisational & Operational Concepts
  • Baking and Pastry Arts – 2
  • Saudi Cuisines – 1
  • Kitchen Management
  • Technical English Language – 2
  • Business Communications

Term 3

  • Internship: On-the-Job Training 1

Term 4

  • Cuisines of the World – 1
  • Baking and Pastry Arts – 3
  • Saudi Cuisines – 2
  • Garde Manger – 1
  • Technical English Language – 3
  • Nutrition

Term 5

  • Cuisines of the World – 2
  • Garde Manger-2
  • Baking and Pastry Arts – 4
  • Saudi Cuisine Fusion
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business
  • Technical English Language – 4
  • Entrepreneurship

Term 6

  • Internship: On the Job Training – 2
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